Gary Loake教授学术报告

报告题目:From plant immunity to immune-related pharmaceuticals
主持人: 钱前 研究员

Gary Loake,爱丁堡大学生物学系分子植物科学、合成与系统生物学教授。1990年获得杜伦大学博士学位。1996年起任教于爱丁堡大学。目前,担任James Hutton研究所名誉研究员,New Phytologist杂志科学顾问兼联合编辑,加勒比研究与发展研究所科学顾问委员会成员,苏格兰工业生物技术中心董事会成员,联合利华公司科学顾问等职务。长期致力于研究植物的抗病性和植物免疫相关天然产物的合成与调控。研究成果发表于Nature,Nature Biotechnology,Molecular Cell,PNAS,New Phytologist,Nature Communications等诸多期刊。


·Lee, E.K., Jin, Joong, Y.-W., Park, H., Yoo, Y.M., Hong, S.M., Amir, R., Yan, Z., Kwon, E., Elfick, A., Tomlinson, S., Halbritter, F., Waibel, T., Yun, B.-W. and Loake, G.J. (2010). Plant cambial meristematic cells as a source for natural products. Nature Biotechnology 28, 1213-1217.
·Yun, B-W., Feechan, A., Yin, M., Saidi, N. B.B., Yu, M., Le Bihan, T. Kang, J.-G., Kwon, E., Spoel, S., Pallas, J.A. and Loake, G.J. (2011). S-nitrosylation of NADPH oxidase regulates cell death in plant immunity. Nature 478, 264-268.
·Kneeshaw, S., Gelineau, S., Tada, Y., Loake G.J., and Spoel, S.H. (2014). Selective Protein Denitrosylase Activity of Thioredoxin-h5 Modulates Plant Immunity. Mol. Cell 56, 153–162.
·Kneeshaw, S., Keyani, R., Delorme-Hinoux, V., Loake, G.J., Le Bihan, T., Reichheld, J.P. and Spoel, S.H. (2017). Nucleoredoxin Guards against Oxidative Stress by Protecting Antioxidant Enzymes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114, 8414-8419.
·Cui, B., Pan, Q., Clarke, D.,Yuan, B., Shan, W., Jiang, J-H. and Loake, G.J.  (2018). S-nitrosylation of the zinc finger protein, SRG1, regulates plant immunity.
Nature Comm. 9, 4226.